

2022 Republican Primary Runoff Endorsements

2022 Republican Primary Runoff Endorsements

TLRPAC issues endorsements on a rolling basis to candidates who share our vision for a fair and efficient legal system.

This list is not comprehensive of all candidates TLRPAC is supporting and will be updated throughout the election cycle.

Dawn BuckinghamTexas Land Commissioner
Wayne ChristianRailroad Commissioner
Pete FloresState Senator, District 24
Kyle KacalState Representative, District 12
Stan GerdesState Representative, District 17
Ellen TroxclairState Representative, District 19
Terri Leo WilsonState Representative, District 23
Caroline HarrisState Representative, District 52
Glenn RogersState Representative, District 60
Frederick FrazierState Representative, District 61
Ben BumgarnerState Representative, District 63
Jamee JollyState Representative, District70
Carrie IssacState Representative, District 73
Carl TepperState Representative, District 84
Phil StephensonState Representative, District 85
Stephanie KlickState Representative, District 91
Laura HillState Representative, District 93
Elisa ChanState Representative, District 122
Mano DeAyalaState Representative, District 133